I don't know about you, but this made me a little sick to my stomach..and a whole lot disgusted!
Our wonderful men and women, who are sacrificing so much for us, deserve so much better than this!
Whether you approve or disapprove of what our country is involved in as far as the war is concerned, you HAVE to be angry about this sorry mess!
April 15, 2008
Buchanan's View Of Obama Worth Reading

In Darkest Pennsylvania
by Patrick J. Buchanan
Posted: 04/15/2008
It was said behind closed doors to the chablis-and-brie set of San Francisco, in response to a question as to why he was not doing better in that benighted and barbarous land they call Pennsylvania.
Like Dr. Schweitzer, home from Africa to address the Royal Society on the customs of the upper Zambezi, Barack described Pennsylvanians in their native habitats of Atloona, Alquippa, Johnstown and McKeesport.
"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and ... the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them.
"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
This is the pitch-perfect Hollywood-Harvard stereotype of the white working class, the caricature of the urban ethnic -- as seen from the San Francisco point of view.
As Linus clung to his security blanket, Barack is saying, out-state Pennsylvanians, bitter at the world that has passed them by, cling to their Bibles and guns and naturally revert to ancestral bigotries against "people who aren't like them" -- blacks, gays and immigrants.
Though he sees himself as a progressive who has risen above prejudice, Barack was reflecting and pandering to the prejudice of the class to which he himself belongs, and which he was then addressing.
A few months back, Michelle Obama revealed her mindset about America with the remark that, "for the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country." Barack has now revealed how he, too, sees the country. The Great Unifier divides the nation into us and them.
The "us" are the privileged cosmopolitan elite of San Francisco and his Ivy League upbringing. The "them" are the folks in the small towns and rural areas of that other America. Toward these folks, Obama's attitude is not one of hostility, but of paternalism. Because time has passed them by, Barack believes, they cannot, in their frustration and bitterness, be held fully accountable for their atavistic beliefs and behavior.
Though neither mocking nor malicious, Barack's remarks are, nonetheless, steeped in condescension. Inherent in his words is that these folks in Middle Pennsylvania are in need of empathy, education, assistance and perhaps therapy.
His remarks are of a piece with his address on civil rights that liberals have compared favorably to Lincoln's Second Inaugural.
Note, from that Philadelphia address, the highlighted words.
"Most working- and middle-class white Americans don't feel that they have been particularly privileged by their race ... as far as they're concerned, no one's handed them anything. ... They ... feel their dreams slipping away ... opportunity comes to be seen as a zero sum game, in which your dreams come at my expense.
"Anger over welfare and affirmative action helped forge the Reagan Coalition. Politicians routinely exploited fears of crime for their own electoral ends. Talk show hosts and conservative commentators built entire careers unmasking bogus claims of racism while dismissing legitimate discussions of racial injustice and inequality as mere political correctness or reverse racism."
In Barack's mind, black anger and resentment at "racial injustice and inequality" are "legitimate." But the anger and resentment of white folks, about affirmative action, crime and forced busing are born of misperceptions -- and of "bogus claims of racism" manipulated and exploited by conservative columnists and commentators to keep the racial pot boiling and retain power, so the right can continue to do the bidding of the corporations that are the real enemy.
Barack has stumbled into the eternal failing of the left-wing populist. He cannot concede that the anger of white America -- that its right to equal justice has been sacrificed to salve the consciences of guilt-besotted liberals -- is a legitimate anger. The truth that Barack dare not speak is that reverse discrimination is pandemic and that the folks in Middle Pennsylvania have a valid grievance that ought to be addressed.
So, Barack sought in Philadelphia to redirect their anger.
"(T)hese white resentments distracted attention from the real culprits of the middle class squeeze -- a corporate culture rife with inside dealing, questionable accounting practices and short-term greed; a Washington dominated by lobbyists and special interests; economic policies that favor the few over the many."
Barack is not wrong here. Corporations, out of naked greed, have deserted America. And the Clinton and Bush administrations have been unresponsive to the social impact of deindustrialization. But Barack cannot concede that white Americans are today's victims of state-sanctioned racism.
A gifted candidate, Barack, after stumbling for 48 hours, has regained his footing with his witty ripostes about Hillary being "Annie Oakley" with her "six-shooter," spending her Sunday mornings "out on the duck blind."
Obama's remarks about small-town America told us little about small-town America, but a lot about Barack. He is yet another cookie-cutter liberal who has absorbed and internalized the prejudices of that blinkered breed. He is an African-American John Lindsay, the great liberal hope of the Nixon-Agnew era, of whom Frank Manckiewicz once said: He was the only populist he knew who played squash every day at the Yale Club.
Read the article here, at Human Events.Com
April 14, 2008
Elitists, Snobs, And Aristocrats

I've been thinking quite a bit about this subject--especially the past few days. Some people are elitist snobs and don't even realize it because they are so firmly convinced that they are right, and the rest of the world is wrong--or at least, those who don't view things the same way they do. Of course, there are elitists who are not snobs, and some snobs who are not elitist, but being around either one, sometimes, is like rubbing salt in an open wound.
The following are excerpts from an article that I read a few years ago, written by Jonah Goldberg in the National Review. The entire article is much too long to post here, but I have chosen a few quotes which get the point across quite succinctly.
"In America, 'elitist', 'snobbish', and 'aristocratic' have become largely synonymous. That's a shame. 'Elite' derives from the Latin for 'elect', though not necesarily in the democratic 'electoral' sense. It means those who--through efforts and talent--self-select themselves as qualified to lead, and teach, by example."
"The war on what I like to call 'factual correctness' is a top-to-bottom cultural project. If the truth hurts, change the definition of truth. Facts that might inconveniently intrude upon the self-esteem of others must be demolished. So, as grade schools eliminate keeping score at games, postmodernists try to eliminate the notion of keeping score at anything, ever. Scores, you see, imply winners and losers, and if anybody feels like a loser then they feel bad--and anything that makes you feel bad is necessarily illegitimate."
"Meanwhile, the University of California wants to get rid of standardized tests rather then be embarrassed by the "disparate" results of those tests. Gangster rap gets compared to Mozart and the mentally handicapped are allowed to vote--because who's to say that gangster rap isn't the classical music of today, and who's to say that a man with the IQ of a seven-year-old doesn't have an 'equally valuable perspective'? Animals have 'rights' because they have 'feelings',-- which are so much more important than judgement, intelligence, or knowledge. Grafitti should be considered to be high art, since so much of what was traditionally held as high art is just an amalgam of prejudice and tyranny."
"It's an old fable that the gratest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist. Today, the prevailing elite has pulled off a similar trick It has convinced the world that only the ignorant, the unlearned, and the unsophisticated believe there are capital-T Truths; worthwhile standards for merit, beauty, or art; and bright-line distinctions between right and wrong. They've done all of this, mind you, while preserving their own privilieged status for making such pronouncements--like a politician who champions campaign-finance 'reform' just so long as it ensure his own incumbency. In this sense, they are more snobs than elites, because they spend so much time trying to assure the world that conservatives are fakers--'pseudo-intellectuals' and 'pretend-journalist' -- in order to keep them out of their clubhouses."
Well, Senator Obama may not be a snob, trying to keep certain ones out of clubhouses, but maybe he is. He seems to fit this description pretty well:
"Snobs are people who put on airs about who they are and who look down on those they are no different from. Meanwhile, 'aristocracy' (which derives from the Greek for 'rule by the best') sounds quite a bit like elitism, but the chief difference is that aristocrats are born, not made--which is all the difference in the world."
"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama said. "And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Is Obama an elitist? A Snob? He is condescending at times.
One thing's for sure..he certainly is no aristocrat.
Portrait of Poet, Itlian painter Modigliani
April 13, 2008
Between A Rock And A Hard Place

I was over at Livey's where she was talking about helping out this young woman, and when I followed the link over, I could see that she really is in dire need of help.
Maybe, after reading about her plight you will want to help her out if you can. I have no doubt that it would be greatly appreciated..and who knows? She just could be the one to nurse you back to health someday.
Stranger things have happened.
It Is The Veteran...

It is the VETERAN...not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN...not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN...not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN...not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN...not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN...not the politician, who has given us the right to vote.
April 11, 2008
Michelle Obama: I Can Only Be Who I Can Be

“Predominately white universities like Princeton are socially and academically designed to cater to the needs of the white students comprising the bulk of their enrollments.”
“[My Princeton experiences] “will likely lead to my further integration and/or assimilation into a White cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant.”
“I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don’t belong. Regardless of the circumstances under which I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second.”
“In defining the concept of identification or the ability to identify with the black community … I based my definition on the premise that there is a distinctive black culture very different from white culture.”
Well, of course, there is, Mrs. Obama. That shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. The two cultures ARE distinctively different-- just as the poor, working class in our society is distinctively different from the class of the elite--or at least that is according to Senator Obama:
“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
That's a statement he made Friday in San Francisco, speaking of small-town America. Read more about that here.
Here's another excerpt from Mrs. Obama's thesis:
"Earlier in my college career, there was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the Black community I was somehow obligated to this community and would utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit this community first and foremost.”
And in an interview in Newsweek when asked about possibly becoming First Lady, she said:
"I think I can only be who I can be in this role. And that's going to come with all the pluses and minuses and baggage and insecurities and all the things that I'll bring into it, plus my hopes and dreams along with it.
So, what I am wondering is what can we expect from Senator Obama as President, and Michelle Obama as First Lady?
Who are they, really? What are their true values--and will they be for all the people,or only select groups of people? What are those hopes and dreams, exactly, and what kind of changes do they have in mind?
I don't know, but the more informed I become, the more discomfort I feel.
April 10, 2008
Double, Double..

I'm beginning to think that I need to perform an exorcism on this computer!
Either it has a mind of its own, or it is possessed!
It seems to be double posting, again.
I'm not sure how long it was up, before I noticed it, but it is now deleted..besides, it wasn't THAT funny that it should be there twice!
Hmm..I was just thinking..today I was talking with a friend about paranormal stuff, and how things disappear, not to be found, then suddenly, right in the place you just looked, there it is!
Okay, okay..I confess.
My computer skills leave something to be desired, but I'm working on them.
As long as you don't start throwing rotten tomatos at me, it'll be fine!
Next Day On His Dressing Room They Hang A Star...
No, folks, I'm not making light of drinking and driving, but this is one of the funniest videos I've seen.
Besides, this couldn't be a real traffic stop..could it?
April 09, 2008
Okay, This Takes The Cake

Okay, this takes the cake!
An Illinois delegate for Senator Obama, Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski has resigned.
Why? Because she called some black children, next door neighbors, "monkeys" which offended the parents of the boys, and the police were called.
She was charged with disorderly conduct and fined, because one of the boys was scared, one of the parents was upset, and there is an ordinance there that bans conduct that "disturbs or alarms" people.
"Given the incident, Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski is stepping down as a delegate and will be replaced," said Obama spokeswoman Amy Brundage.
I think that this political correctness stuff has been taken to the extreme. I can understand why Don Imus maybe should have been chastised, somewhat, for his use of the word " 'ho" in reference to the black basketball players. But should he have lost his job over it? Once he apologized, that should have been the end of it, but it wasn't.
Senator Trent Lott made a faux pas, which cost him his position in Congress. A lot worse has been said than what he said, and that by blacks about whites.
And we mustn't forget about Dog the Bounty Hunter, who was made to grovel after his use of the "N" word, which was uttered in a private phone conversation with his own son. After groveling, and giving huge donations to black organisations, it still wasn't enough to satisfy certain people. He lost his show, which was one of the most popular ones on television.
How far is this stuff going to go?
I've noticed, recently, that whenever my 87 year old aunt down home, is telling me something over the phone, and it involves a black person, she will actually spell out the word, "Negro," rather than saying it. For instance, the other day she was telling me about a new employee, or clerk in some store, and she said that she was "a very nice, young N-e-g-r-o woman." I said, "She's what?" and she repeated what she had said. I was flabbergasted! She hadn't spelled out the dreaded "N" word, but simply the word "Negro."
I asked her why she did this, and her reply was that she didn't want to get into trouble. I told her that she wouldn't get into trouble for saying "Negro" and she said that she didn't want to take any chances!
I asked if it really frightens her, and she said that it did.
Now, this aunt is not senile. She is sharp as a tack, still takes care of a home, a few grandkids, still drives, and has never missed voting for any reason, and has, on occasion worked at the polling place there in her town. She was always ready to go toe-to-toe with anyone who critized President Clinton, but now, I am wondering if she will vote for Obama, because she doesn't want to "take any chances."
Okay..go ahead and tell me I am over-reacting. Tell me I'm crazy. As far as I'm concerned, this whole political correctness thing is crazy.
April 08, 2008
Hearing the words in that speech might have made you feel a little uneasy...
Here's what he said in a CNN.com broadcast, March 19, 2008:
So when I am Commander-in-Chief, I will set a new goal on Day One: I will end this war. Not because politics compels it. Not because our troops cannot bear the burden– as heavy as it is. But because it is the right thing to do for our national security, and it will ultimately make us safer.
What I have talked about today is a new strategy, a new set of priorities for pursuing our interests in the 21st century. And as President, I will provide the tools required to implement this strategy.
That starts with enhancing the finest military in the history of the world. As Commander in Chief, I will begin by giving a military overstretched by Iraq the support it needs. It is time to reduce the strain on our troops by completing the effort to increase our ground forces by 65,000 soldiers and 27,000 Marines, while ensuring the quality of our troops. In an age marked by technology, it is the people of our military – our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen – who bear the responsibility for complex missions.
That is why we need to ensure adequate training and time home between deployments. That is why we need to expand our Special Forces. And that is why we must increase investments in capabilities like civil affairs and training foreign militaries.[...]
In addition, I will invest in our civilian capacity to operate alongside our troops in post-conflict zones and on humanitarian and stabilization missions. Instead of shuttering consulates in tough corners of the world, it’s time to grow our Foreign Service and to expand USAID.
Instead of giving up on the determination of young people to serve, it’s time to double the size of our Peace Corps. Instead of letting people learn about America from enemy propaganda, it’s time to recruit, train, and send out into the world an America’s Voice Corps.
What is he talking about, anyway?
We're not just talking about policies and differing views on social issues, here...we're talking about whether or not our country is safe, and whether or not we can keep it safe against its enemies.
We are on the verge of being left defenseless against all those whose major goal is to see its demise.
If Senator Obama becomes President of the United States, we will be well on our way to helping them to achieve their goal.
Perhaps, he will call me a "typical white person" but that man scares me!
April 06, 2008
May You Rest In Peace, Mr. Heston

Charlton Heston who was born John Charles Carter in Evanstown, Illinois died today, April 5, 2008 at his home in Beverly Hills, California,with Lydia, his wife of 64 years, by his side. He was 84.
Reports say that the cause of his death is unknown, but Mr. Heston had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease a few years ago.
In an August 9, 2002 statement to CNN he said this:
"For an actor, there is no greater loss than the loss of his audience," Heston said in his statement.
"I can part the Red Sea, but I can't part with you, which is why I won't exclude you from this stage in my life."
"For now, I'm not changing anything. I'll insist on work when I can; the doctors will insist on rest when I must."
"If you see a little less spring to my step, if your name fails to leap to my lips, you'll know why. And if I tell you a funny story for the second time, please laugh anyway."
Heston, a classically trained actor, concluded his videotaped statement by quoting Prospero from William Shakespeare's "The Tempest":
"We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep."
May you rest in peace, Mr. Heston.
Who Is This Man With Obama?

You can read it here: Who is this Man with Obama?
April 03, 2008
April 02, 2008
God Bless Our Troops

It is a Frontline PBS feature called Bad Voodoo's War, and as their caption says, it is video filmed with the cameras of the platoon of National Guard soldiers. It is the war as seen through their eyes.
As I watched, I kept thinking that this is just not right, and as usual I felt conflicted as I watched the video, and listened to the young soldiers express their feelings about what they are doing, and why. I think you will be moved by what they have to say.
I know that there are many passionate feelings about our involvement in Iraq, pro and con, but no matter what, we must support our troops in every way possible.
They're the real heroes, here, and we mustn't forget that, ever.
Their lives will never be the same, in so many ways.
To watch it, go here
April 01, 2008
Another Obama Spiritual Advisor

I found this rather enlightening article in WorldNetDaily:Another Obama pastor under fire for racist talk, written by Aaron Kleine.
Sen. Barack Obama has been linked to another controversial pastor, this time a declared spiritual adviser who has called white American mayors "slave masters," and referred to black preachers and politicians who "protect" the "white man" as "house n-ggers."
"We don't have slave masters, we got mayors," exclaimed James Meeks, an Illinois state senator and pastor of one of the largest churches in the state, in an August, 2006 sermon broadcast on a Chicago community television channel.
The speech was broadcast last week by Fox News Channel's "Hannity and Colmes."
Continued Meeks in the sermon: "But they are still the same white people who are presiding over systems where black people are not able to be educated. You got some preachers that are house n-ggers. You got some elected officials that are house n-ggers. Rather than them try and break this up, they're gonna fight you to protect that white man."
Meeks at the time was lashing out at Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley over public-school funding issues.
When confronted about his divisive rhetoric in 2006 by Mike Flannery, a political editor for a local CBS affiliate, Meeks defended his sermon.
"Is it fair to compare Mayor Daley, him and the governor, to slave masters?" Flannery asked.
"They do the same thing. They preside over systems where they have the control of the lives of African-American and Hispanic people," Meeks replied.
With regard to his use of foul language, Meeks stated: "The N-word is not in the African-American community a bad word. It's a term of endearment. And I don't see it as derogatory or defensive, offensive."
But Flannery retorted: "That is an insult. You weren't using that term as a term of endearment."
According to reports, shortly after his 2006 tirade, Meeks endorsed a Rainbow/PUSH call for blacks to stop using the N-word.
Aside from his senatorial duties, Meeks is an Illinois superdelegate pledged to Obama, and also presides over Salem Baptist Church, described as the largest church in Illinois with some 20,000 members. He has served as an executive vice president for Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH organization.
Meeks has reportedly campaigned for Obama and allowed Obama to campaign at his church during the presidential candidate's 2004 senatorial run.
A recent Meeks endorsement of Obama is touted on the presidential candidate's campaign website.
In a 2004 interview with Cathleen Falsani of the Chicago Sun-Times, Obama described Meeks as an adviser who he seeks out for spiritual council.
Obama told the Sun-Times that the day after he won a 2004 senatorial primary, he stopped by Meeks' Salem Baptist Church for Wednesday-night Bible study.
"I know that he's a person of prayer," said Meeks of Obama. "The night after the election, he was the hottest thing going from Galesburg to Rockford. He did all the TV shows, and all the morning news, but his last stop at night was for church. He came by to say thank you, and he came by for prayer.
"Meeks has made other controversial race remarks.
In 2006, Meeks informed his church during a sermon he may run for Illinois governor. He was recorded telling the mostly black congregation any "white Christian" who doesn't vote for him is a "racist.
"If I do run and there are two people in the race who both are not standing for morality, if I don't have every white Christian vote in the state of Illinois, I will stand on top of the Sears Tower and call every one of y'all racist," Meeks said from his pulpit.
Meeks is also notorious for his strong anti-homosexual platform, which is in contrast to Obama who has been campaigning for the "gay" vote. Meeks has routinely voted against pro-homosexual legislation and has been quoted during sermons referring to same-sex attraction "an evil sickness."
The latest revelations regarding an Obama-linked pastor comes after anti-American, anti-Israel remarks by Obama's pastor of 20 years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., landed Obama in hot water, prompting the presidential candidate to deliver a major race speech last week.
Also, WND reported last week Obama's Chicago church reprinted an opinion piece by the Hamas terror group that defended terrorism as legitimate resistance, refused to recognize the right of Israel to exist and compared the terror group's official charter – which calls for the murder of Jews – to America's Declaration of Independence.
With all the information now coming to light about Senator Obama's associates, endorsements, and spiritual advisors, etc., how can anyone in his right mind honestly believe that he is the person that he professes to be?
I, for one, am trying to find out all I can about the man, and it would be wise for those who profess to want what is best for this nation to do the same.
There's a phrase which says that there are none so blind as those who will not see, but in this case I keep thinking: "There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."