I've been out of town for a few days, and haven't been posting, so I know you must be tired of seeing that same old post that's been up all this time...I'm hoping this one will give you a smile!
It's surprising how much I missed reading all my friends' blogs while I was away, and surprising how much I thought of each and every one of you..wondering what you were writing.
I think I may need a day or two to rest up, and then I will get back to making you laugh a little, or making you mad at me..a lot!
Meanwhile, I will be catching up on everything I missed on here while I was away!
What faces!
"Drink up boys!" LOL
rocknc..reckon that's how AA got started? LOL
Yeah, Bill and his friends needed someplace to go where these "lovely" ladies wouldn't find out they were actually sober! LOL!
I reckon I would just have to ask, "Is that a promise?"
rockync..you mean, kinda like hiding in plain sight? LOL
guyk..yep! :)
Glad you are back!
is there a way to get your blogs emailed?
cdogg..welcome to my blog, and thanks for stopping by!
I will certainly try to find out how to get the blogs emailed..surely, some of my blog buddies out there who know more about thisthan I do, will let me know how to do it. :)
Hermit..I'm glad I'm back, too!
Thank you! :)
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