The more I read around on the myriad of blogs here, the more disillusioned I feel, especially when I see, sometimes, pure hatred for a person, or an official of the government. I know that we are all different, with different views of the world, and what is going on in the world, but I never knew just how profound it was, until I started reading the opinions expressed on some blogs, and some of the comments made on the different posts.
The amazing thing to me is, that you get an idea of a person, and their personality, and what you think is their general view of things, especially when it comes to politics, and particular issues. You can read that blog, and it will be general, creative writing, or poetry, or prose, or just general observations, or sharing of current events in the person's life. And then, there you are reading a blog with a subject which is not ordinarily anything you would find there, and not only does that rather shock you, but then there is a comment on the post from someone else which shocks you even more, because you had no idea in your wildest imagination that either of them felt such hatred toward an individual. I guess it is best not to mention religion or politics in blogs, or at least, best not to read them when you find them.
I don't like the way things are going, politically, in this country. I don't like the way that certain ethnic groups are behaving, and the direction that the politically correct crowd is trying take our country, but I do not hate anyone. I am disillusioned. Yes. I speak out about obvious injustices, and express my disgust about it, but I don't harbor any hatred in my heart at all--especially not against a president who is only human, and has done no worse things than other presidents, when you come right down to it. Not every president has been put into the position this one has, either...and who knows what anyone else would have done, in the same situation? It could have been worse, if certain other candidates had won the election--and therein, to my way of thinking, lies a lot of the discord. There are still too many who think, and want to believe, that the election was stolen, and until they see President Bush out of office, under any circumstances, they will not be satisfied.
No matter how high the ideals seem, of the politicians, and presidential candidates--it still comes down to the same thing--it is mostly about personal power, and as sad as it is to say--it is about greed. So, whether Republican, or Democrat, you really have no idea what you are getting, until they are actually in office. All you have to go on is what they SAY they will do, and that, very rarely, ever comes to pass.
Did I say that I'm disillusioned? Well, I am, and I hate the way it makes me feel.