April 18, 2008


Remember Senator Barack Obama's church?

Remember his pastor, and mentor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright?

Remember what is taught at that church?


Well, allow me to gently remind you that what is taught there, where the man who could be the next President of the United States is, and has been, in good standing, as a member for twenty years or so, is Afrocentrisim.

Do you have any idea what that is? If not, you're not alone, because most of us have no idea what is wrapped up in that one one word: AFROCENTRISM.

If you would like to learn about it, and how it has become so prevalent, you can find it here where I found it after following the link for Best Read of the Morning, at Charming Just Charming.

Guy says:

"I am always impressed with the work of Mahone Dunbar and THIS ESSAY on AFROCENTRISM is no exception. So my friends, put on your scholar cap and take a few minutes to be taught by the best..."

Thanks for pointing me to such a fascinating, and informative read, Guy! I think it is something that should be read by everyone before deciding to whom they will give their vote in the upcoming election!

So Far, Today...

Well, let's see now..I don't curse, and don't use credit cards, but the rest of that stuff I could be just a little guilty of..especially when it comes to indulging myself with chocolate, and more especially if it comes wrapped around pretzels, strawberries, or grapes, I am guilty, guilty, guilty!

The other stuff, like being nasty, grumpy, selfish, etc., I really try to avoid, but I must admit, there are times that I have to pray just a little bit harder, and try to follow this good advice:

Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whasover things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.

Phillipians 4:8

Pretty good advice, no matter who you are!