To any of my readers who read a post I did awhile back, by the title of "Dirt Roads," I would like for you to be made aware of the fact that Paul Harvey is not the author of that wonderful essay, as I had thought. It seems that Mr. Harvey was very fond of the piece, and read it, publicly, quite often, but always gave Lee Pitts, the author who actually wrote it, proper credit for it...unfortunately, others like myself, not being aware of the real author, did not give Mr. Lee proper attribution. The essay is only one of many, in the book, "People Who Live at the End of Dirt Roads," and illustrated by Don Dane.
I apologize to Mr. Pitts, and recommend that if you haven't read the essay, that you will read it now, because it is so full of wisdom, and a wonderful memory jogger. If only what he wrote about those times were still true, today. Perhaps, somewhere, they still are, and I hope so, but I wonder.
You can check out information about the book here, and here, where you will be able to see that it is now a collector's item, but some used paperbacks may still be available.
Thank you, Mr. Pitts, for calling this to my attention. Now, I know that there is a whole book filled with these wonderful essays.
That's a picture of the book at the top of the page, found on Amazon.com and when you click on it there, at Amazon, you will be able to see the titles of all of the essays in the book.