Speaking of Gore, he said:
He's certainly reached the pinnacle of celebrity and policy acclaim with his Academy and Nobel awards. He's got this new climate change agenda taking off, so he's going to be right in the middle of all the global warming debates forthcoming in the next few years.
Now, if he can just work out the contoversies in his own personal carbon-trading regime then perhaps he might have a bit more respect!
So, since I just happened to have this nice picture of Mr. Gore's energy consuming house, I thought I'd share it with you, along with this interesting article, "Al Gore’s Personal Energy Use Is His Own 'Inconvenient Truth.'
We are, indeed, inflicted with a lot of hypocrits. Wonder when Al will get out that old push mower...
granny j..yes, I would say so!
When will Al get out that old push mower?
When the moon really does turn to green cheese, maybe..but not before! :)
Why am I NOT surprised? Al "Henny Penny, the sky is falling" Gore is as misinformed now as he was when he proclaimed himself father of the internet. Perhaps his agenda is even more devious.
Here's how I see this "crisis"; we should all be good stewards of the earth because it's the only place we have to live. Dogs know this so they don't crap in their sleeping place and neither should we. But they also know we all have to go sometime so they pick a spot that will impact their world the least and that is also what we should do. We will consume products and create waste because we can't avoid it. We can certainly act responsibly by recycling, not throwing trash from a moving car, ensuring waterways are kept clean, etc. As a vast society, developing cleaner, more effiecient energy sources is commendable. But we've had ice ages and heat waves, we've had violent upheavals and times of peace and plenty. It is the natural cycles of the earth. Fighting against it will not stop it; we need to learn to adapt or die. That is the way it has always been.
Why am I NOT surprised? Al "Henny Penny, the sky is falling" Gore is as misinformed now as he was when he proclaimed himself father of the internet. Perhaps his agenda is even more devious.
LOL..rockync, I like the way you put it, and I am inclined to agree, that his agenda probably is more devious. :)
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