December 31, 2009
December 22, 2009
Sending Peace...
...from my house to yours, and wishing you all a very "Merry Christmas!"
May all of your fondest dreams come true during this special season, and may we all remember what this season is all about!
Let us recall memories of times past, and look forward to a new year, praying that we can all experience true peace in our hearts, and in our homes.
This is my prayer for you, my friends:
The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.
Psalm 29:11
December 20, 2009
We Are Not Ashamed...Merry Christmas!

Let's pray for their safe return to their families, and remember to give thanks for
all the blessings in our own lives.
Freedom is one of the blessings we have, and it is their sacrifice which helps to assure that we, as Americans, of every color and creed, can stand together to proclaim that this is Our Country, and we are proud of it, and not ashamed of our own moral clarity, nor of our Christian heritage.
Merry Christmas!
December 13, 2009
Christmas At Arlington

Rest easy, sleep well my brothers.
Know the line has held, your job is done.
Rest easy, sleep well.
Others have taken up where you fell, the line has held.
Peace, peace, and farewell...
John 15:13
December 09, 2009
A Most Treasured Memory

She asked her readers for similar experiences, and I had intended to add mine, there, but it was much too long, so I decided to post it on my own blog.
Thanks, Z, for the idea..and 'the list,' which was pretty interesting, in itself.
For years, I had been a great admirer of David Hartman. Even as a young girl, I had what you might call a crush on him...the only crush that I can ever remember having on anyone, especially an 'older' man. Ah, but Mr. Hartman was not like any other in my eyes. Handsome, courteous, and I just knew that he would have to be the sweetest man in the world. My heart's desire was that I would, someday, meet this wonderful person, but alas, for this poor little Alabama girl, it would never be more than just a far-fetched dream.
The years passed, and many historical events took place, including the terrible tragedy of the shuttle, Challenger, in 1986. Then, in 1988, when they had the return to flight, due to my husband's work at the Kennedy Space Center, I was privileged to watch the launch of the shuttle Discovery from the VIP section.
As I sat there, at the top of the section, looking around, I laughed to myself at the sight of all of the Rollex watches assembled in one place. I had never, in my life, seen so many of them, on men and women, alike.
As I sat there, listening to bits and pieces of conversations, about the event, and which private plane they had flown in on, where they were headed afterwards, a trip recently taken to one place or another, a party here, or there....just the normal everyday topics of conversation for these people...I noticed a tall, handsome man, headed up the steps, in my direction...a very familiar face, and then like Z, I thought " Is! It couldn't be!" But it was! David Hartman walked right up to me, and asked if I minded if he and his family joined me! He then introduced himself, and his family--his wife, two teen aged sons, and his father-in-law. As if he needed any introduction at all!
He was as kind, and gracious, in person as he was on film, and so were the other members of his family. I, especially remember his father-in-law's hat, which was a straw hat, much like one would wear while working outside in his garden. Mr. Hartman explained to me that he had been badly burned in some kind of accident..the scars were, I suppose the hat was to protect his face from the hot Florida sun pouring down on us.
We had a great time, and we, and all others there at the site, held our breaths, and I'm sure many prayed, as we did, as the time approached...a minute or so..when the Challenger had exploded. When it reached that point, and beyond, there were many shouts of joy and relief which went up from all of us assembled there.
After the countdown, and when the shuttle launches, it is so loud, and one can feel the vibrations throughout the body to such a degree that it is awesome to realize the power involved in that operation. All I could think was that if there was that much power created by mere man, how much more so the power of the Almighty, our Creator. It was a humbling experience, to say the least.
After it was all over, we said our goodbyes, and said how much we had enjoyed watching this historical event together. I could hardly believe what had just happened in my life, and all I kept thinking of the scripture which says: "Delight yourself, also, in the Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4 NKJV
David Hartman
Most of you probably don't remember David Hartman but a quick Google search will reveal that he played a number of roles on TV and in movies. However, his career reached its peak when he was chosen as the host of a new AM news program called Good Morning America. With his affable style and natural charm he was the perfect choice to interview newsmakers and introduce the news. In fact, at one point, David Hartman was the highest-paid man on television. It would seem, however, that fame and riches were not Hartman's cup of tea. I really hope that he invested wisely because Hartman has been more or less MIA since he left the show.
Source: TV Squad
Well, Mr. Hartman, I do remember you, not only for your excellence in your chosen field of work, but also for your being such a gentleman in your courtesy toward me, and the genuine love shown toward your family that day that I had the priviliege of meeting you all. It will always be one of my most treasured memories
December 03, 2009
What Happened To Dignity?

There are some things which just make me cringe, and this is one of them.
What happened to the diginity which is expected of the highest office in the land?
What happened to the diginity which is expected of the highest office in the land?
Two First Ladies exiting Air Force 1.
Need I say more?
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