There are some things which just make me cringe, and this is one of them.
What happened to the diginity which is expected of the highest office in the land?
What happened to the diginity which is expected of the highest office in the land?
Two First Ladies exiting Air Force 1.
Need I say more?
Hello Jan,
I loved Laura Bush.
I am shocked with the changes taking place with the health care and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My hubby is also completely discusted!
Wishing you a very wonderful evening,
Hello, Lydia..yes, Laura Bush was the epitome of the proper First Lady--what a vast 'change,' and not a very pleasant one, at that.
Did you get your six inches of snow, which was predicted? If so, I hope you made it back home, with no unpleasant incidents.
Wishing you a very wonderful,warm, and cozy evening, as well! :)
Hi, Honey...isn't that AMAZING?
I guess Michelle's just going to DO HER THING, whether it reflects well on the American people or not. This certainly does not.
We might have entered a whole new ear with this First Lady ....no more decorum, no more dignity, no more CARING what the American public thinks.
Just like her husband, come to think of it! xxxx Vinegar
"no more decorum, no more dignity, no more CARING what the American public thinks.
Just like her husband, come to think of it!"
Why,yes..just LIKE her husband, come to think of it! :)
Remaekable difference there.
It's like the presidential admin has been taken over by a mob of teenagers..
Jan, Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and making a comment. It really means a lot to me. I am so sorry that you had to go through that as well. No matter how old they are, the loss of a child is hard.
Thank you again. You also have a wonderful merry Christmas with you and your family. I will be posting more on my blog. I hope. ;) Have a great day, Roxi xoxoxo
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