My friend, Linda G, has a new blog, this time, a political one. She is not satisfied with the downward spiral this nation seems to be in, right now, but she's decided to do something about it. She is no longer satisfied to sit around, hoping things will get better, and she has a lot to say about that.
It would be worth your time to read what she has to say..to hear about what she is doing to make a difference.
Go on over and read Speaking Out In Freedom
Good luck, Linda, and thank you for what you're doing in this fight for freedom.
Jan, I just linked to Linda G's blog Speak Out In Freedom. Great blog. Certainly worth taking time to visit. Thanks, and have a great day. DM
DM..thanks. I know she will appreciate it.
I replied to your comment shortly after you posted it, but for some reason, it didn't publish!
Sorry, if it looked as if I'm ignoring you! :)
Thanks for your support Jan, and for the link:)
Linda..you're very welcome.
I think others will like it, as well as I do. :)
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