An high look and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin.
Proverbs 21:4
Deep is the sea, and deep is hell, but pride mineth deeper; it is coiled as a poisonous worm about the foundations of the soul.
"Foul deeds will rise, Though all the earth o'erwhelm them, to men's eyes."
~William Shakespeare
Thank Goodness.
Now he's lounging around the oval office in is shirtsleeves with the thermostat set to 80 because he's from Hawaii where it's warm, while admonishing us to turn down the heat to conserve energy. Jimmy Carter at least had the decency to turn down the thermostat in the White House when he told the rest of the Nation to conserve.
I've noticed how Obama walks around with his nose up in the air like Caesar Augustus. But there's more of Caligula about him than of Octavian.
Linda G..pure hypocrisy!
Did you notice how he admonished the people in D.C. because they closed the schools because of the snow storm, saying that they needed to be more like the people in Chicago when it came to coping with the snow and cold?
I wonder when people are going to wake up? Probably not until it's way too late.
Hermit..funny you should mention that..I've been looking for a nice picture of Caligula to do a post about Obama. :)
Prideful does not even begin to scratch the surface of this guy.
"Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition"
This brief post, especially the Shakespeare, really captures the essence of our moral challenges going forward. Obama has so much power if you think about it, but he's using it to degenerate not regenerate society. This is an abdication of leadership, but Obama, as if in the picture, will turn up his nose to such criticism.
Guyk..despicable, isn't it?
The really scary thing about all this is that his focus is on himself and his agenda rather than anything he could do to make our lives safer from external forces...
Donald..I love this line from Hamlet.. as you can see, I have it on my side bar.
Obama is so full of himself, that he could never accept criticism of any kind, but one can only hope that he reaizes that that kind of power, misused, will destroy society.
Perhaps, the more that is revealed to men's eyes concerning him, and his ideology, the less power he will be able to wield.
Papa Frank..I don't think there is a strong enough word to describe his kind of pride.
Linda G..our posts crossed on here. You's came in, just as I was replying to another. :)
You're so right. It reminds me of that phrase, "Me, myself, and I,"..and of course, pay-back to his cronies, for whatever reason.
*your's* LOL
This almost scared me...I've been thinking the exact same thing; one can't survive with this much pride and ego.
The way he was waving to the minions as he walked to the podium to be sworn in made me remember the presidents who felt the gravitas more than their ego..."this is a big job, Please God, help me do it right"....
Obama: "this is ME, God....can ya DIG IT?"
I'm SO glad you liked the piece on my blog, Jan....thanks for coming by xxx
Z..everything about this man scares me.
Who would've thought that someone who is a complete mystery, could have achieved this position of power the way he has?
Not that his agenda is a mystery, because that's pretty obvious, but everything else about him is like looking through muddy water.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, but in this case, I think it is a hopeless cause.
I loved the wonderful story on your blog..and thank you so much for dropping by mine!
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