My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Obama's
October 22, 2008
Joan Swirsky
(critical videos and documents below)
Four years ago, when I had just about completed the lengthy legal and financial vetting process required by the U.S. government to place my then-92-year-old-mother in a nursing home, I was asked to produce her birth certificate as “proof” of her citizenship. While she was born in America, had voted in every election for untold decades, and paid her taxes religiously, that wasn’t good enough to qualify my elderly mother –deaf, legally blind, and confined to a wheelchair – to be admitted to the facility I had chosen for her near my home.
Frankly, I didn't think finding my mother's birth certificate was possible, given the fact that she had been born in a farmhouse in Storrs, CT, along with nine of her 10 siblings, to parents who didn't speak English. Despairing that she would never be "qualified" to receive the care she desperately needed, I set about to find the document, which I was sure had vanished in the unreliable record-keeping of 1913.
First I called an official in Hartford, the capitol of Connecticut, who recommended that I call the Storrs record-keeping office.
That took two minutes.
Next I called the Storrs office and was told to call another number.
That took two minutes.
When I called the third number, I explained to the woman who answered the phone that I was "asking something impossible." I gave her my mother's first name and her father's last name.
Within four minutes, she said, "Here it is!" She had found my mother's birth certificate, and it surprised me when I learned my mother's "real" first name and "real" last name had changed significantly as she and her family became Americanized.
When I expressed my amazement, the woman said: "That's nothing...we're routinely asked to find birth certificates from the 1800s, and we do that all the time!"
Total time it took me to find my mother's 1913, born-in-a-farmhouse birth certificate: 10 minutes!
To this date, Barack Obama has refused - or been unable -to produce an authentic birth certificate that attests to the fact he is an American-born citizen. He has had more than the two-years of campaigning for the presidency of the United States to do this, but failed.
Why is this important? Because the Constitution of the United States expressly forbids anyone born on foreign soil to run for the highest office in our land!
You would think that Obama would have volunteered the "proof" of his eligibility within a nanosecond of entering the race. But here we are, less than two weeks away from the election, and Americans still don't know if Obama is an American!
While Obama's camp submitted a supposedly authentic birth certificate to the far-left blog Daily Kos, it was found to have been a photo-shopped version of the birth certificate of his half-sister, who was actually born in Hawaii, as Obama claims he was.
While this glaring omission in Obama's eligibility to become the most powerful man on earth mystified some and rankled others, a few people - clearly alarmed at what they considered a stealth candidate's attempt to dance his way around the Constitution and venture into the realm of criminality- took action.
*Please, if you read nothing else, read the rest of this amazing article. It is imperative, at this critical time in history, to be as informed as humanly possible about the candidate who has burst onto the scene, and with very little actually known about him, is about to become the leader of this nation.
This is a serious situation, inherently dangerous, and yet people are putting their faith and trust in someone that they know nothing about. They say they want change, but just exactly what kind of change will they be getting?
The rest of what this is all about can be found here.
Jan - thank you so much for creating this blog. Knowing you for so long, I am fully aware of your integrity and am thankful for you answering some very important questions we all have. Keep up the good work!
Carol..thank you so much for your kind words..coming from you, they really means a lot!
Please come by often..you're always welcome! :)
LOL.. they really *mean* a lot!
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