Well, people...I hardly know what to think, anymore. It seems that there are those out there who are bound and determined that Senator Barack Obama will be our next President no matter what has to transpire to accomplish it.
Since when is it against the 'rules' to keep fighting , as Senator Hillary Clinton is doing, until the nomination is a certainty? She has, as a matter of fact, won more popular votes than anyone, ever, but because of the rules that have been set up, that doesn't matter. I am dismayed, not because I would like for her to become President, but because it seems that the will of the people doesn't matter anymore in this country. I am dismayed that a young, relatively unknown person--no, his race is not the issue--has been, suddenly, thrust to the forefront as a person of honor, and integrity, when it is not so. There is just too much out there about him--about his past associations with those whom have declared their own enmity against our country--and his own, very personal, views shaped by his upbringing by a white Atheist mother, with Socialist views, whose color he was ashamed to acknowledge at the time, and his white grandmother, whose views were--to him--racist, in her fear of all black men.
I must admit, that there have been times, over the past few months, that I have, actually, felt pity for him, because I know that he is a very conflicted man. At other times, along with the pity, I have felt anger that, because of his blind ambition, he has allowed himself to be used as a pawn by those with enormous wealth and political power, as a means of accomplishing their own goals when it comes to the running of our great nation.
It is a fact, that there is much more that has been hidden about Barack and Michelle Obama, and if it is not squelched, as much of it has been, before finally coming to light, it will be revealed in due time. One can only hope that it will not, then, be too late--and that it will matter to those, presently, unable to see wrong in anything concerning the Obamas.
I feel that Senator Obama's quest, and quick ascension, has been aided and abetted by selfishness, greed, and power--and the total disregard of the desires of the majority of the citizens of this country.
Jan...interesting that you mentioned its not about the people anymore. Unfortunately, its been that way most of the 20th century.
The dirt will be uncovered and the mud will fly..and the dim-a-crits will scream that they have been swiftboated..
I saw this morning that 12 percent of the Clinton supporters say they will vote for McCain..and I suspect by November there will be more than that..the question is now will those that switch support from Hillary to McCain make up for those who used to support the GOP but will no longer do so because they figure that there is little difference between the GOP and dim-a-crits..
I don't want to support McCain..but I see little choice other than Barr and I just don't see him gaining enough support to win.
The republic is strong enough to survive another Clinton running things..but I am not sure that it can survive Obama..
Hello Jan, Things just keep getting crazier and crazier in these elections! My hubbies always keeping updated on this upcoming election. I wanted to give you a HUGE CONRATS on your new house! I'm sure your very excited to move in! Have a wonderful day!
dazd..possibley, but it just seems glaringly so, in light of everything that's going on, already, in this election.
guyk..I'm not sure this country can survive an Obama administration, either. I just hope that people will, finally, be able to see the truth about this man, before it is time to vote.
Lydia..hi, there!
Keeping updated with all that's happening nowadays will keep your husband a busy man! :)
Thanks for the congrats..moving day is getting closer, and closer,and I am looking forward to it, very much!
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