This may look like just a silly cartoon, but to me it says a lot. There have been many recent, tragic events involving guns, and much talk of gun control. Here where I live, they even had a gun buy-back, trading food and gas cards for any gun turned in, no questions asked. I don't remember the exact number of guns collected, but it was a large number. Maybe, the idea behind it was a good one, which was to get guns off the street, but I think it was a futile one.
Passing laws to prevent responsible citizens from owning weapons is not the answer to what is happening in this country. Posting gun free notices in public places will not help, either. Those wishing to cause harm, and violate the laws of the land, will find a way to do it, one way or another.
Passing laws to prevent responsible citizens from owning weapons is not the answer to what is happening in this country. Posting gun free notices in public places will not help, either. Those wishing to cause harm, and violate the laws of the land, will find a way to do it, one way or another.
Spot on, Jan. What you had happening with the buy back program was criminals breaking into homes and businesses, stealing guns and turning those in before the stolen reports were processed.
Violence is definitely on the rise and I think legislators would better serve the public by increasing police forces and allowing for special gang activity units. I believe that a large percentage of the violent crimes being comitted are gang related. Me, I'm hanging on to my guns so when they show up at my house...
rockync, I know it is just a lost cause as far as accomplishing anything. Last night, there was another clerk killed at a convenience store, and he was shot even after turning over the cash. There were two or three more before that, in just the past few days.
As of Oct. of this year, there had been around 117 murders here, and there have been many more since..I am not sure of the exact number. Most of these, of course, involved guns, and many were gang related.
Instead of laws banning guns I would rather see weapons use and safety taught as a mandatory subject in school..starting at about the second or third grade.
Kids should be taught not only how to use a gun and use it safely but what a gun can and will do if misused...we kids that grew up in the country years ago learned from our relatives and friends..and damn few of us ever abused our right to own and bear arms. I figure that if ALL kids were taught the way I was taught there would be fewer kids getting killed with guns...and an armed public is a hell of a lot safer than a disarmed public..it wasn't the Colt 45 that tamed the west..it was the townsmen and women who were not afraid to use their rifles and shotguns and the farmers who carried that double barreled "greener" with him every where he went..
the point is that we are about to come to a crossroads where we either take our republic back or give it to the PC gun haters whose logic has been distorted by Bambi and Thumper..
guyk, you're so right. I remember that down where I'm from, that was just a natural thing, to have firearms in the home, and kids, at least the males, were taught to use them from an early age.
There is just no logic in what is happening today, and sooner or later, something's got to give.
I have already begun to teach my 4 year old twin girls about guns. I let them help me when I clean them and let them look at them and hold them when they are sitting on my lap. It's amazing that the leftists in this country don't want to teach kids anything about guns but when it comes to sex and disease they think the definite answer is sex education. Why should we tell kids everything about sex and nothing about guns? By the way, thanks for stopping by our humble blog. It's usually much quieter than it was today. Stop back and make yourself at home!
Frank Family, thank you for stopping by, and welcome!
Speaking of what is, and is not being taught in our schools, obviously we have our priorities out of order in this country, as you well know.
The problem started years ago, when we just sat idly by and allowed the pc crowd to start dictating what they say is right and wrong, to the detriment of us all!
The news is scary isn't it? The largest nearby city (whose jail I work in) has had a significant increase in violent crimes that seems to correlate with an increase in gang activity. For a samller city, the stats are alarming. homicides are up sharply and that's after about 10 years of declining numbers.
I partly blame it on the current Chief of Police and thankfully, she is retiring this year so maybe they'll get some new blood in there who is willing to take the bull by thew horns. If I were her, I sure wouldn't be proud of all that has happened on my watch!
rocknyc, it certainly is scary! It is alarming to see how it has spread to the smaller towns and communities. There was a time when one felt safe, at least in the little towns, and in the suburbs, but those days are long gone. Corrupt and inept officials have not helped things, either.
I heard a funny truism the other day:
"Blaming a gun for killing people is like blaming a pencil for misspelled words."
frank family..and the funny thing is, that there is actually someone out there, somewhere, who would actually blame misspelled words on the pencil! :)
The way I see it, I'm not going to rely on anyone else to protect me. It's my responsibility.
Hermit, we should all be able to do that, and have the right to do it.
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