June 23, 2010

So Long For Now...

I don't quite know how to say this, so I will just say that, after much thought, I have decided to quit blogging. There are many reasons, and perhaps you aren't even interested in them, but I will try to explain, a little.

When I started this blog, nearly three years ago, I'm not sure that I had any particular kind of blog in mind. I began by writing a few little stories from my own life. Some of them were humorous, and some were of a more serious nature. Readers seemed to enjoy them. I liked sharing them. Others were written about people I have known, and relatives, and loved ones that I have lost, and even a pet, or two. I, also, wrote about particular social issues, or stories of interest, happening locally, or elsewhere.

Right after I started my blog, though, the political climate began to change in this country. I began to pay closer attention than I had ever done, before. Some things were happening that I felt needed to be brought to the attention of others, and I began to write about them...not in any erudite way, because I'm certainly no political scientist, but I wrote what I was observing, sometimes, even with a little twist of humor. After awhile, I couldn't find any humor in any of it. It had become frightening, and overwhelming, to the point that I didn't want to think about it, much less to write about it. So, I stopped writing about it.

I began to re-post several of my older pieces, and every now and then, I make an attempt at writing something, but it seems that my heart just isn't in it, anymore.

Unlike many who say that they blog only for themselves, I don't think that I do, and I feel that if you are taking the time to come to my blog, that you should find something worth your time. I appreciate, so much, everyone who has taken the time, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

Perhaps, I will feel differently about things later on, but I don't know if I will. I will leave my blog up for awhile, so that if there is anything of interest in my archives that you would like to read, you may. Later, I plan to delete it.

Peace...from my house, to yours.

June 20, 2010

Live, Laugh, Love

I hope that all the fathers out there have had a wonderful day, today. I hope that your children told you how much you are loved, and appreciated. I hope that you, if you still have a father, said those things to him, too.

I'm sorry that anyone coming to my blog to see what I had posted, found nothing but an old post, and nothing uplifting. I, actually, spent quite some time, preparing, and searching for just the right graphic to go with it, but after it all, either my computer, my server, or Blogger, or the combination of them all, just wouldn't cooperate. It was one thing, after another, and so, no Happy Father's Day post.

My heart wasn't in it, really, anyway. My son's best friend's father was buried yesterday, having died only a short time after being diagnosed with an illness, and it was a shock to everyone. I kept thinking, all day, yesterday, and today, how very sad this day would be for his family...for my son's best friend.

Only a few days ago, another friend of his, was killed in a motorcycle accident, and another friend, underwent surgery for a brain tumor. I kept thinking of the fathers of these boys, thinking that instead of happiness on this day, there would be such sadness.

I think of the three boys--not so long ago, just playmates--and my heart aches for them, and for the families.

I said to my son, that life is unpredictable. None of us can know what tomorrow may bring, and no one is promised tomorrow, so today, and every day, tell the ones that you love, that they are loved, and appreciated.

I try to do that, on a daily basis, and I hope that all of you, if you don't, already, will, too.

Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.
~Henri Frederick Amiel

And to this, I add:

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
~1 Peter 4:8-9

June 14, 2010

In Honor Of Flag Day 2010

God Bless America!
Long may our flag wave over a Free Country!