Obama and his wife are touted as being so sophisticated, and classy, but as far as I can see, in that department, they are a disgrace, especially when it comes to representing our great nation!
How utterly classless to present a visiting foreign dignitary and his family such shoddy presents..toy helicopters and a package of DVDs..it's disgusting!
Michelle seems to have been ashamed of her country up until the time her husband was running for President, but now she has every reason to be ashamed..of their gauche behavior!
I can't even begin to tell you how gauche, but go to America's Right and read it for yourself!
If British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and his wife had only known, they could have chosen one of Emily Post's books on etiquette to go with their other carefully chosen gifts to the Obamas.
It's sorely needed.
The Obamas' have absolutely no class whatsoever. I find them embarrassing. I was raised to respect and follow proper etiquette. My mother and father made sure of that. I'm still a yes and no ma'am and sir type of guy.
I have respect for young people who address me as "Mr. Sam" or Mr. Moore. I am all about being polite.
I will always open the door for a lady...even the 1st lady, but that doesn't stop me from thinking the Obamas' are "colorblind" trash...and you know...proper etiquette goes way beyond opening doors.
Again, I'm embarrassed.
Have a good day ma'am.
Sam..good manners will take you far, in more ways than one.
I wouldn't consider myself a woman of the world, but I have acquainted myself with proper etiquette,and put it to good use, when the occasion calls for it.
Yes, I wlll have a good day, thank you, kind sir! :)
I wish you the same!
Great Post Jan!
I agree with Sam's comment... the Obamas have shown themselves to be an embarrasment to our Country.
Gordon Brown must have thought so too..I read somewhere that he tried to keep the gifts a secre, but there was a leak..
Thanks for the link to America's Right too:)
"Gordon Brown must have thought so too..I read somewhere that he tried to keep the gifts a secre, but there was a leak.."
Yes, that's true..showing, again, much more class than the Obamas!
Sam was exactly right in his comments.
Jan,I seem to remember way back when I attended public school (IN AMERICA ) we were taught to use good manners. Don't think they teach much of that kind of thing anymore. And like a lot of other things, if parents don't set an example at home, chances are the children will not show it. Have a great day. DM
I've been thinkng a little more about this Jan, and it's more than bad manners. This behavior is breaking, perhaps forever, protocals and traditions that have been in place throughout the history of our Country. While formal behavior may seem silly to some, it is meant to define the seriousness of a giiven event, in this case the renewal of an important political alliance.
Jan, in Obama I've seen him as an emperor with no clothes from the beginning. The man is nothing more than a common gutter criminal who's conned his way into power.
DM..you're right about good manners not being taught in school, anymore.
Just plain old common courtesy goes a long way, doesn't? :)
Thanks, it has been a pretty good day...hope yours was, too!
Linda..you're so right.
"This behavior is breaking, perhaps forever, protocals and traditions that have been in place throughout the history of our Country."
Sorry to say, that seems to be the intended agenda.
Morrisao..I only wish more people would have been able to see that.
Maybe, they will, but it won't do much good at this point.
Wow with all this discourse of manners, upbringing and protocol, it seems some of us have forgotton how polite and politically correct it can be to NOT overzealously criticize and INSULT a person rather than perhaps find a nice polite way of constructively informing them of alternative behaviours. A few of the choice, descriptive words directed at our President unfortunately tells a sadder story of "gauche-like" behaviour.
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