"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
Matthew 7:15-18 RSV
Wolves are used in many analogies, most of which have some kind of negative connotation, such as the wolf being at the door to denote dire financial straits, etc., and a wolf in sheep's clothing provokes an image of a dangerous, conniving, scheming, foe sneaking up on its unsuspecting prey, ready to devour it.
Presently, I think they could be seen as fraudulent politicians who usurp high government office through fraud, and then mesmerize and manipulate their adoring, trusting followers by endless lies and deception.
Hmm..I don't know about you, but when I saw this picture I was immediately reminded of a few wolves in sheep's clothing on the scene right now.
I'm not even going to name Names..I think you get the picture.
wolf fur makes a fine lining for a parka hood!
Black sheep, maybe.
Great picture, Jan! I love those lines too..it is sometimes very difficult to spot that wold within..
Of course I know who you have in mind..a shape changer extraordinaire..
Hello Jan, WOW!!!!!
Thank you for sharing this!!!! At times we all need to be reminded of this too. I love the photo. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Wishing you a great day,
Guyk..I've never had fox fur lining, but I've had leopard skin lining..which provokes another analogy. LOL
Hermit..I've known a few of those, too! :)
She..I knew you knew! :)
Yes, we do need these reminders, lest we forget that not everyone, and everything, are what they appear to be.
Thanksgiving was great, thanks..so much to be thankful for.
I hope you are having a wonderful, and blessed day, too!
A lot of politicians in sheeps clothing Jan. You get them on both sides of politics, just that more seem to be on the left side of it.
Thanks for visiting my blog by the way.
MK..I know that's right! :)
I enjoyed my visit, thanks..and thanks for dropping by here!
Great picture Jan!
Every time I read or watch the news, I just find myself shaking my head and wondering what in the world is wrong with people! Can't they see what is going on or think for themselves? And if they can, why in the world aren;t they upset?
Even when my husband and I went and voted yesterday for the run off race in GA, I was amazed at how few people were there.
Mrs. K..I think the fact that so many are oblivious to what is happening is frightening, but it is just as frightening to realize that a large segment of our population just don't seem to care.
I really love that photo!
Papa Frank..perfect, huh? LOL
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