Just click on the picture of each of the women featured, to see what they have had to say.
I have a quote of my own, which I have posted before, but I thought I might as well add my two cents worth here, too.
A word is such a powerful thing,
Can lift a heart, or break it.
Be very careful what you say,
Once said, you can't retake it.
I think your cautionary ditty is going into my box of inspirational snippets :)
rockync..you're going to be needing a bigger box, hon! :)
Hey, I can use all the wisdom I can find! If I need a bigger box to hold them all, I'll just hop down to Wallyworld! LOL!
rockync..can't we all? LOL
Then there's the one my mom always said to me...
sticks and stones
can break my bones
but words can never hurt me.
A good saying for a world in which far too many people are discovering new words to find offensive...
granny j..I heard your mom's words when I was growing up, too.
It's true about today..perhaps when we learn to rise above being offended over a word, we can go on to what's really important.
I'm glad you came by! :)
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