Are our rights, and freedoms of speech being slowly eroded? Not on your life...it seems that they are being snatched, right out from under our very noses.
Here's an excerpt from the article:
Minneapolis: Dropping any pretense of objectivity and non-partisanship, the “National Conference for Media Reform” on Saturday night turned into a Barack Obama-for-President rally, as left-wing media figure Arianna Huffington denounced Senator and presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain as a “Trojan horse for the right” who had “sold his soul” to become president.
Several speakers, including Federal Communications Commissioner Michael Copps, used the Obama campaign slogan, “Yes, we can,” as they urged the thousands of “progressives” in the audience to bring “change” to Washington, D.C.
One speaker, Sylvia Rivera, who runs a Mexican art museum, had the audience saying “Yes, we can” in Spanish. “Forty years from now,” she said, “we will marvel at how we elected our first black president.”
Huffington, who runs the far-left Huffington Post website, said that Obama would win the White House in November as long as “the fear-mongering of the right” on national security affairs was kept in check and “zero tolerance” was practiced for attacks on Obama’s patriotism and loyalty to the U.S. Another problem, she stated, was that “the media are still in love with John McCain” and it is imperative to make sure the media “fall out of love” with him.
Change? You bet, and I'm afraid that none of us are going to like it.
Read the whole article here.
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I don't see the problem. The Obama campaign is going to respond to falsehoods put out by their opponents. What is controversial about that?
Michael: You don't see a problem because you've got no moral sense. Barack Obama is the unknown evil that keeps on giving. He's got no moral core, and only denounces hatred when it suits his political purposes. People like Arianna are just as opportunistic as he is. She divorced her husband after he lost a seat to the U.S. Senate, then she switched from being a nice "conformist" conservative wife, to a muckraking online journalist who's intent to smear John McCain, who fought in Vietnam like a true patriot, refusing to be released before his fellow American comrades.
What's wrong is the moral equivlency on the left, and if Obama wins, the U.S. will go into a dark period, but the forces of right and goodness in the cosmos will prevail, throwing the scourge of leftism down the drain where it belongs.
Then I won't see a problem.
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