The most useless thing to do......Worry
The greatest Joy......Giving
The greatest loss......Loss of self respect
The most satisfying work......Helping others
The ugliest personality trait......Selfishness
The most endangered species......Dedicated leaders
The greatest "shot in the arm"......Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome......Fear
Most effective sleeping pill......Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease......Excuses
The most powerful force in life......Love
The most dangerous pariah......A Gossiper
The world's most incredible computer......The brain!
The worst thing to be without......Hope
The deadliest weapon......The tongue
The two most power-filled words......"I Can"
The greatest asset......Faith
The most worthless emotion......Self pity
The most prized possession......Integrity
The most beautiful attire......A smile
The most powerful channel of communication......Prayer
The most contagious spirit......Enthusiasm
The most important thing in life......God
I know a lot of people don't agree on the last one....but a lot of people do!
Woa, some of those hit a raw nerve! Thank you
The picture is stunning btw....
I just love this place!!! You're such a treasure Jan!
Jan...this last posting of yours is excellent. It's easy to understand why you have such a following on this blog.
The delected post was just one of those sneaky things that pop up when you click on the link, and are very annoying.
Something about checking your computer for stuff. I fell for it twice, already!
*deleted post..it was not delectable at all! :)
Pink Icing..thanks, I'm glad you got something out of it.
I thought the picture was beautiful, too. :)
Frank Family..thank you so much!
You guys are pretty wonderful, yourselves! :)
Richard..thank you for the kind words, but I'm afraid that everyone is giving me too much credit, here. But it's much appreciated! :)
I've copied this list and will print it to put on my "daily ruminations" board. It's where I keep all the positive stuff for daily edification. I really like this one because it's an action inducing list. Like if you want to wear the prettiest thing you own, SMILE!
Great post, Jan!
"daily ruminations"...I like that! :)
Lovely post jan:) I'm "catching up" and am grateful to you for the Obama posts. He is so good with those charasmatic words hope and change..am I a cynic for wondering hope for what and what change EXACTLY do you mean?
'am I a cynic for wondering hope for what and what change EXACTLY do you mean?'
She..if you are, then so am I.
Hey, Jan. Here's one my brother lives by:
"There is no us, there is only me!"
Hermit..your poor, poor, brother..he must be very lonely. :)
Jan, I'm still working on getting fence up for goats so I need a daily reminder, hence my board is now known as "daily ruminations" the place I stop daily to chew over stuff. :)
When Obama started to pop up all over the place I ended up checking out what he had to say and quickly concluded there was no substance behind the pretty words. He's appealing to the emotions, that's all. The thing is - if any possible nominee for the Presidency of your country is going to eventually be in that very powerful position, should not the people base their decisions on a heck of a lot more than feelings?? Good feelings about a person are not good enough.
That was not aimed at you, Jan, btw. I know you know this already.
Morris..I knew you what you meant. :)
You are so right..and I'm afraid that, that 'feel good' feeling is what a lot of people are basing their choice on right now.
Hello Jan, This is so true. Thank you for sharing this with me. I really liked it a lot.
Lydia..I'm glad you liked it!
It really is something to think about, I think! :)
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