Monday, 1 October 2007
Witches Hold Conference In Ghana
"The numerous road accidents, boat disasters, floods in the north, gas explosions in Kumasi and collapse of buildings that the country has witnessed in recent months may not be for nothing. A global meeting of witches, currently underway in Ghana, is targeting thousands of lives through fatal road and other accidents
The assembly is also looking to infect millions of lives with incurable diseases, according to documents available to Daily Guide. In keeping with the witches’ agenda, 1,000,154 people would be killed worldwide through road accidents, rape, murder and armed robbery.
The assembly is also looking to infect millions of lives with incurable diseases, according to documents available to Daily Guide. In keeping with the witches’ agenda, 1,000,154 people would be killed worldwide through road accidents, rape, murder and armed robbery.
For Ghana, the organizers of the annual global congress insist they want to make the meeting a memorable one and are therefore requesting heavy loss of lives on the nation’s roads.According to the document, Ashanti Region has to ‘donate’ 722 lives, Eastern Region, 119; Brong Ahafo, 103; Central, 134; and Greater Accra, 76; through an operation code-named ‘XXC-XVI-Starlight 666’.
Delegates from countries in all five continents including USA, India, Iran, South Africa, Spain and Nigeria are attending the historic meeting.The two-month long meeting, slated for Juaso Nkwanta in the Ashanti Region, will be chaired by the Regional Commander, one Seth Kofi Manu, and has been described as a follow-up to a maiden one held (venue not stated) on 9th October, 2006 to strategize for the programme in Ghana.“In the first quarter of our calendar year we are to infect 110,000 people (both married and unmarried) with HIV/AIDS through sex, 4,000 with tuberculosis, 6,000 with high blood pressure, and 2,600 with blindness, while 11,000 pastors and preachers will be destroyed, 220 marriages broken, and 100,000 wombs destroyed.”
Apart from the blood of accident victims and the spread of diseases, the association is demanding that 400,000 Ghanaians be initiated into witchcraft and other Satanist organisations before next year’s meeting in Ibadan, Nigeria.Out of the 400,000, the agenda stresses that a minimum of 280,000 of the new entrants must be students and pupils of various schools and universities.Detailed Requirements In This Regard Are As Follows:Universities - 35,000 people Other tertiary schools- 45,000 people JSS & SSS-130,000 people Children below 8 years – 80,000 Some of the special guests expected in the country for the meeting include Comrades Gopanatta (India), Kris Mc Anderson (USA), Uki Steward (Nigeria), Daniel Mokoena (South Africa), Mirza Ali Mohammed (Iran), Professor Kingsley Boison (Ghana), and Hooo Mamfred (Spain).“Every means must be applied through dressing, planting of hair-making items, exchange of clothes and shoes, sex, abortion, music and their so-called Christian songs. Remember we have agents among them,” the document stressed.
The next meeting, which is code-named, ‘Sanbra- 333- 000-4, according to the document, would take place on April 1, 2008 in the Nigerian city of Ibadan.Featuring prominently on the Nigerian agenda is the plot “to create instability and confusion, and as much as we can, bring civil war in Ghana, Nigeria as we did in Liberia and Sierra Leone, Congo and Sudan”. That event would be climaxed with the conferment of an award on Comrade Mirza Ali Mohammed, for the ‘good work’ he is doing in Iraq.
It was agreed that all efforts must be made to make the meeting in Ghana one of the most memorable ones in the history of the association. The Juaso-Nkwanta meeting is part of a three-year grand project (2007-2010) for Satanists all over the world. The project is named, ‘ASTRO-PETAPHYSICAL OPERATION 999’.A number of those who saw the document have opined that the inexplicable accidents, murders, shootings, and other disasters that are reported daily could be linked to the demands of the association."
Have any of you reading this ever heard anything about this going on over there on such a grand scale? With this kind of mindset, no wonder things are in such a mess over there. I'm sure that the people there take this seriously, and live in fear of what could happen to them. Superstition is a powerful, paralyzing force, and an effective weapon when used in this way.
So much for the theory of white magic and good witches. It looks like this is all black, and bad.
The image used here is the actual one used in the article, which seems inappropriate for such a serious subject.
Hi Jan,
I am always leery of spectacular stories circulating the 'net. So many times they are perpetuated by some person or group trying to further their own agendas.
I found a couple of blogs by self proclaimed witches and it seems like they haven't heard of this conference until this article. That seems odd since shouldn't someone immersed in that culture know these things? I did find a blog here
This gives another aspect to the subject of witchcraft in Africa.
Growing up in America, I never gave much thought to the practice, but I suppose there are places where witchcraft and voodoo and other related superstitions are taken pretty seriously.
I just don't know what to make of this one, but like the KKK and other groups that thrive on the misery of others, I just tend to ignore them.
rokync..I understand what you are saying, but this article is not one that is circulating the net, neccessarily.
It is an actual article from Ghana's own homepage..whether or not it is taken seriously over there I don't know, but they must have some reason for publishing such things.
It is a site given to my husband by one of his employees who happens to be from Ghana, and it is his source of news from home, he says.
I am not interested in witchcraft, voodoo, or any other occultic practice, but I did think the article was an interesting one.
I too have no interest in such practices except in trying to understand what motivates a culture and their practices. I guess my interest is more anthropogical. What I gathered from the website I stated above was that there are women being falsely accused of witchcraft and having to flee for their lives; not unlike our own witch trials in this country so long ago. I hope you will keep up with this and let us know if this conference actually takes place. I'd be interested to know how much is fact and how much is hype. Of course, now that the cat is out of the bag, perhaps they will have their gathering someplace else.
More disturbing is the idea that people would think of causing mayhem and misery to fellow human beings. What is so broken in a person that they would delight in harming another?
Well you have certainly given me something to ponder Jan. I suspect that if the article is bonified then it may likely be either a hoax or some substandard form of smear campaign. Perhaps a feeble attempt at breaking up local interest in witchcraft. If that is the ultilmate case then all the article succeeds in doing is put more spotlight on the cult.
Personally, as a faithful Believer in God, I have a certain interest and belief in Satan's exsistance and the many forms that he manifests himself, but more often than not the devil is in the details and not the recipient of superstitious stone throwing by any sect in society.
Here are a couple additional news article excerpts on Ghana to put some perspective on this recent news;
Ghana: Media Leads Anti-Gay Witch-Hunt
The anti-gay campaign began when Ghanaian media began reporting in late August that an "international conference" of gays and lesbians would be held in Ghana, creating a firestorm of protest from newspapers, radio talk show hosts, and religious leaders.
But the "conference" which had unleashed weeks of homophobic media comment and religious calls-to-arms turned out to be a hoax.
afrol News, 7 April -
In a lawsuit that could make history in Ghana, 80-year-old Janet Tibu is seeking damages from 12 men, including the village chief and a church minister after they branded her a witch. Branding women witches is seen as a powerful control measure against critical local elements.
Women accused of witchcraft are subjected to abuse and other cruel treatment, and their fate is usually determined through trial by "ordeal." Banished women and their children are denied basic rights, such as access to safe drinking water, food, shelter, health care and education. Dating back to the 17th century, the Ghanaian tradition of witchcraft blames every death or misfortune on someone, usually a woman.
According to BBC Africa, Mrs. Tibu was "found guilty of casting a spell on a local herb doctor and condemning him to poverty and impotence." The herbalist said at the ordeal "there was never any money in his bank account, his crops were ruined by pestilence and patients were no longer coming to see him." He said his son, who had confessed to being a wizard, claimed that Mrs Tibu was responsible.
In 1998, the Ghanaian parliament passed legislation providing specific protection for women and children. The provisions of the bill ban the practice of "customary servitude" (known as Trokosi) and in particular protect women accused of witchcraft.
According to the national Ghanaian Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), as many as 5,000 women inhabit so-called "witches' villages" in four districts in the Northern Region. In some cases, the arriving women had been sentenced to leave their homes by village authorities who claimed to have the power to determine who were witches. In other cases, relatives, or the women themselves, came to the village believing that they were witches, and asking to be protected and/or cured of the affliction.
Although the women face no formal legal sanction if they leave, most fear that they would be beaten to death or lynched if caught outside the penal villages. Forced labour also occurs at the camps for women accused of witchcraft.
Wow... my head is spinning. (No, that wasn't meant to be a pun.)
rockync..it was surprising to me to come across that article.
I haven't checked out the other sources that you mentioned.
What surprised me, I suppose, is the global aspect of it, and the fact that they mentioned Satanists, and other countries.
I don't know if one could ever understand the mindset of anyone who practices the occult, especially when it comes to the sheer depravity mentioned in the article.
vin..thanks for the additional information.
I mentioned in my post that superstition is a powerful and effective weapon, and I'm sure that it abounds everywhere, including in the minds of officials and citizens, and could be used to control the actions of others.
The lust for power will cause some to use any means to obtain it.
sue..yeah, it's enough to make your head spin! LOL
Vin, after reading your articles along with some information I found, I get the sneaking suspicion that this "conference" may also be a hoax. Some of these countries controled by some singular despot tend to generate their own brand of news whether based in reality or more often in their own fantasies.
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