You know, this blogging stuff can get tedious at times. You want so much to write about something of interest, but you know that not everything that you write is going to be interesting to everyone. You know that some things you write about will be considered ridiculous by some, while at the same time, others may find them amusing. Some posts which include statistics, etc,. just bore the living daylights out of some people, and sometimes you post something that you think will not be all that interesting to a lot of readers, and it turns out to be one of the most read posts on the blog. I suppose what I should do is just what I started out to do, which is to post about something that has come to mind...a memory that has stirred from somewhere deep within, or perhaps, something that was mentioned on the news, and caught my attention enough to make me try to find out something about it. And then, there are those things which cause me to ponder, which I do a lot. So, I go round and round in my head, trying to decide whether or not to post a particular thing, and even when I do suddenly make the decision, as soon as I hit "pubish," I am filled with fear and trepidation! Am I doing this to please myself, or to please the ones who might venture by to read what I have written? A little of both, maybe, because it pleases me very much when I know that someone has read it, and I certainly want them to like what I have written. As I was writing the last sentence, I was reminded of a quote by Abraham Lincoln, which I thought would go along with this post, but when I looked it up, I saw that there are two versions of the quote, one of which is authentic. I was thinking that he said "You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." But that's not what he said. He said you can "'fool' some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't 'fool' all of the people all of the time." So, I guess it would depend on perspective, which quote would be more appropriate for my blogs. But one thing that you may be assured of--I will never try to fool you about anything. I will try to be fair in my assessment, and honest in my report.
Strangely enough, while looking up Lincoln's quote, I found another one which I had never heard before, and it is rather ironic.
"A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall. So with men, if you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey which captures his heart, which, say what he will, is the highroad to his reason." ~Abraham Lincoln
There's no rule that states you have to blog every day, you know. *smile*
If blogging becomes an obligation, you may well lose interest altogether.
Hello, Morris...so glad you dropped by.
Yes, I know that I don't have to blog everyday, but I really want to...my dilemma is that I am never sure about what to blog about, because I have much that I could write about, but I'm always unsure, much of the time, whether or not anyone would want to read it. I don't want to just throw out any old thing, just for the sake of getting something out there. You know? :) And I surely don't want to be offensive in any way. It is just a matter of settling in, but I think I'll get there, eventually! Thank you so much for your encouragement..it is much appreciated.
Dear Jan,
I have found all of your posts interesting so far and worthy of comment. I trust that this will go on in the future.
Jan - it's your blog, started because you had something to say. Not every post will interest everyone. Some posts are so complete they inspire reflection but not necessarily comment. Some blog hoppers like me don't end up visiting every day due to the other (ho hum) obligations in life. My humble opinion; stick to your original plan.
Olivia..thank you. Your comments, and opinions are always very welcome, and appreciated.
rockync..thank you kindly for the encouragement.
I hope that I have not given the impression that I was fishing for compliments, nor comments, though I must say that I love it when folks do comment.
I know that not everyone who reads, leaves a comment, but I know that they are reading, and I can only hope that they are finding at least something to keep them interested in coming back.
I think that it is fairly obvious, that I am in no way, an intellectual...but some of my readers are! LOL
Well Well...hit the old "I don't wanna disappoint people" wall eh?
You blog for you. Blogging for anything else you seriously need to get paid for. Blog about whatever suits your fancy. I do...yes I've lost readers because a few topics or styles of humor didn't mesh well. But you know what? It all made me reflect or smile...so who cares what others think.
I only had 1 reader (me) when I started. lol
Keep up the great work and if'n you need to take a day or two off, then by all means do it.
Hey,dazd...thanks for your encouragement. I guess I really have given a wrong impression here. I'm not ready to give up, yet! I was just saying what I felt, which is what all of you nice people told me to do! LOL
I am not discouraged at all, because I see who is visiting my site on a daily basis, and that is very encouraging.
I love you guys for trying to make me feel better!
I think we all know you aren't throwing in the towel, but you are getting comments from fellow bloggers who have had the same doubts and dilemmas you are now confronting. Even though I don't publish my own blog, I know what it's like to come to a place of doubt and indecision. Follow your heart and hold fast to your beliefs. You only get to do this once so make it count always. If you make a less than stellar decision at times, big deal. That means you are as human as the rest of us. Make amends where you can and then move on. Never let the excess baggage drag you down, but I think perhaps you already know that.We find your blog entertaining and a worthwhile read, so keep doing what you're doing; it works.
Jan, I think we all write in hopes that someone out there in the blog world will stumble across what we have put out there for the whole world to see..and like it or dislike it or whetever..as long as they read it!
But although I was grown before I read the Lincoln quote I had already learned the hard way that it is impossible to please everyone and when I tried I pleased no one including the most important person I needed to please..namely ME!
So I quit trying to please anyone except myself and my wife and found that by doing so I managed to get along with damn near everybody else.
The late and great acidman put on his blog words to the effect if his blog didn't meet your standards then lower your standards..
I feel the same about mine. I write what I feel at a particular time in hopes that someone will read it and maybe comment and teach me something or else agree. But the only time I will make apologies for something I have written is when I find that I have ranted in haste about something that was false..and I have done so and made the apologies.
Thanks, again, rockync...great advice, which I will do my best to follow!
Well, guyk...your first paragraph pretty much sums up how I feel about wanting people to read what I have written, but I guess my greates fear is that I will offend someone.
I've learned a few hard lessons about trying to please everyone in my life, too, and I know that there is no such thing.
I like your philosophy about the whole matter.
Just do what feels right to you and we'll just follow along... ;)
You sweet thing, you! :)
"but I guess my greatest fear is that I will offend someone."
That's the last thing you should worry about..
No-one wants to set out to offend anyone, but if in your blogging you speak a truth that is not popular you will offend someone . That's inevitable, but such truths must be spoken from time to time to challenge people to think again.
Morris, you're right, of course..thank you for reminding me.
Blog On, Dudette!
LOL...I'm certainly going to do my best, hermit!
Looks like it's been said pretty well here already. You've got to blog for yourself first and foremost. Burnout happens much to readily otherwise.
And don't worry overmuch about offending. Some of the most widely read blogs regularly step on toes. I went through the same process early on, with some people *tsk*ing me for certain language choices, or taking me to task for being "biased" in my opinions. (Er?? My blog is about *my* thoughts and opinions. Who said anything about being "fair and balanced"?)
I do sometimes wonder if people would take me for a loon, based solely on my blog. But then again, maybe I am. ;)
LOL..I hear you, DC
I don't care if you are a loon, or not..I like you.
I appreciate your comments!
Fuck em! Write what you want, it's YOUR blog! I love you!
Awww..Livey, thanks...I love you too.
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