The subjects of coincidence, dreams, and divine guidance are interesting to me, and I know that there are many who have had things happen to them, which had no logical explanation. I honestly believe in divine guidance, in our personal lives, and I believe that can come through dreams at times. I certainly have a deep, and abiding faith in God, but there are certain things which are way beyond my understanding of them.
I've seen the programs on television about psychics, and how some of them help solve difficult cases for the police, and yet, I've always been taught that such things are of the devil. For as long as I can remember, I have had dreams that came true, and I've just "known" things that were about to happen, and I refuse to contribute that to the devil, because I know that I want no part of that sort of thing in my life.
One nice neighbor suggested that I should pray that I stop having the dreams, but I believe that many of my dreams are spiritual in nature. If the dreams cause no one harm, or bring about no evil, then who has the right to say that they are from the devil, and not from God? I think that God, sometimes, will use dreams as a "warning" of some impending danger.
For instance, I had a dream that someone had died, and was buried. I knew that it was one of my two sons. In my dream, I was underground, right next to the coffin. I could see through the side of it, and I knew that I was trying to see the feet of the one lying there.
There is a slight difference in the shapes of my sons' feet, and I knew that if I saw which one it was, that I would know how to pray. I saw that it was my younger son. I woke up, suddenly, with great apprehension, which is what happens when I have that kind of dream. I began to pray immediately against anything happening to him.
The next couple of days he wasn't feeling well, and he came home from work sick, which he never did. I kept asking him if he needed to go to the emergency room, because I had a gut feeling that it was serious. He finally consented, and as it turned out, he was having a major heart attack...in his twenties. He now has two stents in his heart, but he is alive.
I firmly believe that it was the fervent prayer, as a result of the dream, that kept it from being the tragedy that it could have been. I could go on and on, but I won't. If others find the subject interesting, I will write more about it in another post.
I guess I said all of that to say this: In this world there is good and evil, and we need God's guidance in every aspect of our lives to help us to realize which is which, because it is not always obvious.
I've seen the programs on television about psychics, and how some of them help solve difficult cases for the police, and yet, I've always been taught that such things are of the devil. For as long as I can remember, I have had dreams that came true, and I've just "known" things that were about to happen, and I refuse to contribute that to the devil, because I know that I want no part of that sort of thing in my life.
One nice neighbor suggested that I should pray that I stop having the dreams, but I believe that many of my dreams are spiritual in nature. If the dreams cause no one harm, or bring about no evil, then who has the right to say that they are from the devil, and not from God? I think that God, sometimes, will use dreams as a "warning" of some impending danger.
For instance, I had a dream that someone had died, and was buried. I knew that it was one of my two sons. In my dream, I was underground, right next to the coffin. I could see through the side of it, and I knew that I was trying to see the feet of the one lying there.
There is a slight difference in the shapes of my sons' feet, and I knew that if I saw which one it was, that I would know how to pray. I saw that it was my younger son. I woke up, suddenly, with great apprehension, which is what happens when I have that kind of dream. I began to pray immediately against anything happening to him.
The next couple of days he wasn't feeling well, and he came home from work sick, which he never did. I kept asking him if he needed to go to the emergency room, because I had a gut feeling that it was serious. He finally consented, and as it turned out, he was having a major heart attack...in his twenties. He now has two stents in his heart, but he is alive.
I firmly believe that it was the fervent prayer, as a result of the dream, that kept it from being the tragedy that it could have been. I could go on and on, but I won't. If others find the subject interesting, I will write more about it in another post.
I guess I said all of that to say this: In this world there is good and evil, and we need God's guidance in every aspect of our lives to help us to realize which is which, because it is not always obvious.
I believe dreams can give you guidance. I'm not sure if there is a practical, down to earth reason. Maybe your subconscious mind dwells on issues that you are worried about and plays those things out in dreams rather than words. People have believed that dreams sometimes have meaning as long as there have been people, so who is to say it isn't true?
Hermit..I do believe that some dreams are simply a result of events of the day, or something our thoughts have dwelt on, or some emotional crisis in our lives..but then there are the dreams that are almost prophetic, the event occurring exactly as depicted in the dream.
I believe such dreams are more than just something we thought about...or ate before bedtime! :)
I think people will always see evil in what they don't understand. If you believe in God and the bible, here is a simple truth; we never die. We are either going to a fine heavenly place or a harsh hellish place, but there are many times in the New Testament where Jesus insists that the "dead" aren't dead but merely "sleeping." The beggar who goes to heaven talks to the rich man from whom he begged crumbs. This after both have "died" in this life. What's it all mean? I don't know, but I think those that have passed over can communicate if they want and that sometimes those who are better attuned can get "messages" of a sort. And you're right, Jan, somehow there is a feeling that makes you just know it is not just a dream but something more. That being said, I believe most so called psychics are either charatans or have deluded themselves into believing they can commune with the dead at will. I just don't think it works that way.
I think people will always see evil in what they don't understand. If you believe in God and the bible, here is a simple truth; we never die. We are either going to a fine heavenly place or a harsh hellish place, but there are many times in the New Testament where Jesus insists that the "dead" aren't dead but merely "sleeping." The beggar who goes to heaven talks to the rich man from whom he begged crumbs. This after both have "died" in this life. What's it all mean? I don't know, but I think those that have passed over can communicate if they want and that sometimes those who are better attuned can get "messages" of a sort. And you're right, Jan, somehow there is a feeling that makes you just know it is not just a dream but something more. That being said, I believe most so called psychics are either charatans or have deluded themselves into believing they can commune with the dead at will. I just don't think it works that way.
rockync...I agree about the "so called" psychics..especially those who merchandise it. If it is truly a gift, then I think that it shouldn't be sold.
I feel the same about the televangelists who merchandise the gospel, who have turned their religious programming into fundraisers for the benefit of themselves, and their ministries.
And yes..there is an awful lot of delusion going on! :)
Sorry about the "ghost" post, I think my trigger finger got itchy, LOL. The televanglists are a whole 'nuther beast and boy, they burn me how they coerce money in the name of God. I really had it the day I was surfing channels and came across one channel where there was some woman with big purple hair bending forward to hang out her ample bosom, calling for donations! Just disgusting! My husband and I set aside money each year for charity and give to a couple of local ones that help poorer people get meds and pay bills and one that operates a food bank and kitchen. I have pretty much burned out of organized religion.
rockync..when you have something good to say, you might as well say it twice! LOL
It's unfortunate that all the negative aspects have over-ridden the good when it comes to donating money for people in real need.
Do you ever meet someone and know, just KNOW that person is evil?
I answered the door to my apartment once to someone who was looking for someone else. He didn't get a whole sentence out before I slammed the door and locked it. I found out later that he was indeed a scumbucket and might have tried to do something with me.
I've read a couple of blogs and gotten the same...feeling...that the person had...evil...for the lack of a better word...within them so profoundly that not only would they never be happy, but they would actively seek to make others unhappy.
I know that there are some really bad people out there, and there is at least one blog on here, that I am aware of that fits the description you mentioned.
Btw..I'm glad you slammed the door on that guy! :)
Nancy, I'm so glad you listened to your intuition. I can smell people when they have an evil purpose. My husband laughs but we were around someone and I had to get away from them because of the smell. My husband, of course, couldn't smell a thing but turns out the guy was up to serious no good.Women seem more attuned to that sort of thing. Unfortunately, because of our upbringing, we tend to not act and that is what gets women hurt.
I once met a co-worker's boyfriend. I couldn't even look at him, so intense was the evil. I told her later he was Trouble with a capital T.
She agreed, but apparenly found him all the more fascinating.
Later he got her pregnant, and then managed to get the information he needed to steal ten thousand dollars from her parents bank account, which disappeared up his nose before he ditched and ran.
DC..maybe the fact that he ditched and ran was a blessing in disguise.
And speaking of feeling evil from someone, have you ever noticed how our pets are so adept at it?
Hi Jan, That was a message from the lord. Thank god you listened to your dream and helped to create a good outcome for your son and the rest of your family. I also have many dreams and receive messages through them. I feel that when god and his angels need me to know something, they will present it to me in my dreams, but it's up to me to either listen or disreguard them. I always try and listen to the ones I feel are important. There have been times I didn't listen, only to regret it later.
lydia..thank you for your comment.
I couldn't agree more! :)
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